Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Is the whole meeting online a fantasy...because here is what happened..your opinion..hmm?

Met a guy from Myspace. We fell for each other over the phone, we were up to all hours of the night on the phone, then had to go to work the next day. We are both adults, we thought we were "in luv" without ever meeting. He kept saying that he was so into me..that I could have had three eyes and he wouldnt have felt the same way. We saw each others pictures, slide shows etc. He and I felt a connection. A serious one. He sent me flowers and the whole nine yards to my job. He kept going on and on about how wonderful it was for us to have met the way we did and we were able to find out each other on a inner level before we actual meet physically. Our pictures were recent. We look just like our pictures..but when we got in person he seemed to change. He called me the next day after our date to tell me he felt different. That was a "rule" we had was to be honest. It broke my heart. I feel the same. I removed myself from his myspace. I want to call. He hasnt called. what to do?

Is the whole meeting online a fantasy...because here is what happened..your opinion..hmm?
I have run into this several times myself.

No amount of phone talk, IM and email can replace ACTUALLY going out with someone. That is where the chemistry happens/or not.

Sorry to hear it didn't work out for you. Hope you find someone else. Dating someone from online is no different from dating in any other venue. It won't always work out.

Don't give up!

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