Monday, January 30, 2012

Dating Advice?

It has been a while since I have been on any actual date(2yrs), and I met this girl from an online dating site.

We have gone out twice(once for drinks and once for lunch) in the past week.

She always says that she had a good time, and we always have great conversation. The thing is, I cannot tell if she likes me as a possible boyfriend or just as a friend. I am a gentleman around her(chivalrous, I've bought drinks and lunch, and I even gave her flowers the first time we met).

It's hard to tell, and I don't want to rush things, because I really enjoy her company, at least as a friend, but should I just continue to go along with the flow or ask her how she feels? Take in mind that we have only gone out on two dates, but I already like her more than just a friend.

Dating Advice?
I think you should wait after the 3rd date....but on the 3rd date get to know her more....and let her get to know YOU too. You have a better change of her becoming your gf if she knows she shares many interests with you.
Reply:Don't sweat the boyfriend stuff right now. Just get to know her really well, be her friend and then see if it comes along.

My experience? I met my husband of 10 years now online. We took it good and slow. We knew we were happy single people and didn't want to rush things and make mistakes.

Continue to be a gentleman and treat her like a lady. Find out who she is and let her get to know you. Slow is not bad. Slow builds in layers. When my husband and I were 'dating' we talked about how flash fires go out quickly but a slow fire builds in intensity. Take your time and court her. Courtship is an art and not well understood by young men and women but when done properly it can't be beat and she will remember her 'courtship' with you for years. And courtship is not to be rushed.

Savor and enjoy the building and growing relationship. Good luck.

  • bright lipstick
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