Friday, January 27, 2012

Does ANY one in here speak german?

I'm only in my first year of german at school,so I'm not very good,I havet o do a presentation about easter in germany,and I decided to do it in german.I had the choice,and I really regret choosing this as I find it impossible to translate the ressearch I've done!Please can someone translate this for me?(the online translators are HORRIBLE) I'll give you 10 points!

The bunny is a symbol of abundance and life.

It was in germany that the bunny was associated with easter eggs for the first time.

On easter’s eve,it’s traditional to prepare a nest in the garden to put a carrot for the bunny.Then,he will bring chocolate eggs,marzipan and sugar for the children.

When the kids wake up,they go egg hunting in their garden.

There are other animals in different parts of germany:

In Bayern,it’s a cock

In thuringen it’s a fox

In hannover it’s a cuckoo

In tirol it’s the hen

On the sacred Friday,germans often eat eggs and roast lamb.

The tables are decorated with flowers,rabbits and eggs.

The easter tree is a tradition in Germany,it’s decorated with eggs and yellow flowers.

Does ANY one in here speak german?
I totally speak German. You should try it.

Now that I answered your question, I'll help you with that glob of text. If you type it into an online translator you have to arrange the words in the correct order yourself or the sentence will not be in the correct form.
Reply:Ich sprache nur ein bissen...
Reply:not me
Reply:"Der Hase /Das Kaninchen (here you have the problem that in German, it's the "Osterhase", so that would actually be the easter-hare. "Bunny" literally translates into German as "Kaninchen". "Easter-bunny will work, though, as a translation for "Osterhase", but since you are going without the "easter" in front, I would say in this context, you should go with "Hase" as the German word.) So, anyway:

"Der Hase ist ein Symbol für überfluss und Leben.

In Deutschland wurde der Hase erstmals mit Ostereiern in Verbindung gebracht. Am Ostersamstag wird traditionell ein Nest im Garten vorbereitet und mit einer Karotte für den Osterhasen versehen. (It is? I'm German, and we never did that! Though we had a garden. I've never heard of anyone doing that, either.) Der Hase bringt dann Schokoladeneier, Marzipan und Zucker (?? It will bring sugar? It will bring candy = "Sü?igkeiten". Lots of children would be quite upset to find a pack of sugar in their easter nests! ;)) )

Wenn die Kinder aufgestanden sind (I would just say: "Am n?chsten Morgen" instead of "wenn die...") gehen die Kinder im Garten Eier suchen. (Sometimes every child gets a nest and they hunt for the individual eggs in the garden, sometimes they just hunt for a complete nest (this is done especially when there are more than one kid, so everybody gets their fair share of easter-eggs).

Es gibt auch andere Symboltiere in unterschiedlichen Teilen Deutschlands:

In Bayern ist es ein Hahn, in Thüringen ein Fuchs, in Hannover (that's just a city, by the way, not a state, like the other two you mentioned) ist es ein Kuckuck. In Tirol ist es eine Henne (yeah, but Tirol is not a part of Germany).

(Also: Dont's forget THE other symbols for easter over here: A lamb (ein Lamm) and a baby chicken (ein Kücken).)

Am Karfreitag werden in Deutschland h?ufig Eier oder Lammbraten gegessen. (Eggs yes, but not Lamb. Friday is the traditional feasting day in the catholic regions, and no meat is eaten at all, especially not Lamb, which is considered a very rich meat. A traditianal dish on Karfreitag would be hard-boiled eggs with boiled potatoes and green sauce (a sauce made with joghurt, loads of herbs, cream, sour cream and a very skim fresh cheese), translates to: hartgekochte Eier mit Pellkartoffeln und grüner So?e.)

Die Tische werden mit Blumen, Hasen und Eiern dekoriert.

Der Osterbaum (Osterstrauch is also a common name for it, since it is mostly twigs that are cut, not a whole tree) ist eine deutsche Tradition. Er wird mit ausgeblasenen, bemalten Eiern dekoriert. (The yellow flowers ("gelbe Blumen") are not decoration. Usually those are the flowers of the bush you cut the twigs from. A couple of days/weeks, depending on how hard or mild the winter was/is, you go out and cut twigs from a bush, than keep them at home in a vase. To simulate spring rain, you shower them about once or twice every two weeks, more often as you approach easter, so the twigs will bud and start to go into bloom around easter.)

So, I hope you can still find the translation in that text, and also found the information helpful.

Good luck with your presentation!
Reply:Yes. I do. Only a bit....
Reply:Nein, sprechen sie Deutsch nicht sehr gut.

Reply:Buzz not!

Besides, the only thing I can say in German is 'do you have a big cock?'

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