Monday, January 30, 2012

Should we go through with it????

should we or shouldnt we have a lavish vow renewal ceremony and reception???? i would like to get some other opinions on this...a few people i have spoken too have tried to persuade us not to,saying we should just be happy with with what we had and get over it.........

my husband and i were married 3 years ago in las vegas,alone no family or friends, after our dreams to wed in a big lavish ceremony were dashed by my parents and by other so called loved ones,and a few other circumstances.......

we always said we would have an actual wedding and even though the one we had in vegas was special it would mean alot to us to celebrate with our friends and the way we had planned to originally

i have researched the etiquette online regarding vow renewals....and so far i cant find anything that says that they are weird or just not done!i dont plan on wearing an actual wedding dress...its a white coktail dress with a hot pink sash,and we would have a small ceremony at our church with only family and close friends(about 25 or so),no attendants,flowers girls..etc,a small reception at my aunts house...something simple but gifts,or anything like that.......

i would like to have some actual photos of us taken and have our daughter be part of it.

so anyway.....sorry to ramble on....i just wanted to see what others thought about our plans.....either way i guess i will go ahead with my plans but i wanted to see if anyone else had done something like this...or even knew someone who has and could maybe offer some tips!!!

Should we go through with it????
I think what you want doesn't sound unreasonable and if its something that you regret having missed out on I say go for it. Why wait 20 years? Life is too short. It's not like you are having a huge ceremony and reception, just a renewal of your vows and a celebration of your love with those that you want to have there.

My grandparents got married out of high school. My mom got married when she was 20 before a family Thanksgiving meal. Both have told me that they always regretted not having an actual wedding with the church, the reception, the photos, the cake and most of all, the white dress. I'm so glad that they shared this with me bc going to Vegas was something that I had considered with a slight twinge of regret. Hearing that after all these years they still lived with that regreat solidified it for me.

Hope that helps and I hope you have a great time with your wedding and reception.
Reply:I think you should do what you want. Since you asked for my opinion, though, I will tell you that I think it's a waste of time and money, and it's kind of silly. You're already married, so what's the point of getting "married" again? It sounds to me like you have a very happy, blessed life, and I'm not sure why you feel like you missed out by not having a big wedding. But again, it's a lovely idea anyway, and you can do what you want.
Reply:Yes, go ahead with your wedding vow renewals now. It sounds as if your lives are shared successfully in so many ways, you don't want to miss out or regret this.

If there are any opposing people you really want as guests, you may want to send the photos later. Don't let their disapproval spoil your day. It's about time, congratulations.
Reply:Vow renewals are great, and are usually done at the 25th wedding anniversary. However, recently, more couples are getting it done at the 10th. I think your plan sounds totally appropriate, just a nice party to get together with family and close friends!
Reply:If you have money to burn, then go for it. Otherwise, I suppose that the money could be better spent on something else.
Reply:By all means! If this is something that is important to both of you there is no etiquette dictate saying it cannot be done. Many people renew their wedding vows. Most wait until many years after they have been married but you do what is right for you! Congratulations and Good Luck for a long and happy marriage!
Reply:If it makes you happy it...if you don''ll always regret it.

Just do it!!

A Great excuse to have a party and kick up your heels and have fun.
Reply:What right do OTHERS have to dictate YOUR life?

The only thing I can see, is that people might see this see it as a ploy for gifts, so I would definitely mention that on the invitations. Otherwise, tell your detractors that they have no say in it.
Reply:I renewed my wedding vows on our 11th anniversary and we had a big wedding the first time. I see no reason why you can't renew your vows if you want to. I wore a beautiful burgundy gown, which was the color my bridesmaids wore the first time. We didn't have anyone stand up for us the 2nd time. We did it in a small white church in the Poconos with about 30 people. It was nice. I say go for it, have your pictures and cake and whatnot.
Reply:Do what you want. Don't let others tell you what to do. It sounds like you have always wanted a nice wedding so go ahead and have no regrets.
Reply:I have not done it, but I think your plans are lovely, and I hope it is everything you want it to be. Kelly Ripa married her husband 10 years ago in Vegas. I think it's great!
Reply:people usually get there vows renewed on a 5 or 10 year aniversary but if you don't want to wait that long then go for it, you only live once!! plus you can renew your vows as many different times as you want
Reply:Honestly that doesn't sound all that lavish. That isn't a knock to your plans but really it doesn't sound super pricey or a waste of money so I'm not sure why people are discouraging you. If you already have things taken care of financially then do whatever you like. If they don't want to come to the ceremony because they feel it's a waste of money then don't let them ruin your day. Enjoy it as much as you can.
Reply:In this day and age for a couple to celebrate that they are still married and happy about that fact is awesome! Go for it!
Reply:I think its a fantastic plan. It's like what you wanted in the first place and really until you get that ceremony you are going to continue to have some disappointment. Nowadays many couples get married quickly and have a ceremony later. Congrats.
Reply:I see nothing wrong with it. My husband and I are toying with the idea of doing something like that on our 10 year reunion (we're about to celebrate 6).

Too many circumstances led to us being the couple who can hold court at parties telling about the absolute disaster that was our wedding day. I'd love to rectify the situation. :-)
Reply:As the woman on the subway in Comming To America said to Eddie Murphy's Queens Bride...Go for it Honey

I would have a second wow reunion party and get the minister to hold it again...Easy on the celebration have a theme or a place for the party rented out like a golf course or a country club...I think the great out doors is free and choose a good weather day and have a quick indoors palace set close by in case your game is called by bad weather...People would enjoy the event and clothing optional on the guest..Who cares what they wear...will be a good plus as long as it is business and the bridal and goom crew would be dressed to impress on the photo shoot in studio and out actual day dressing...DVD is great for a video shoot easy bridal packages or a great scrapbook sister event where you give out the pre packaged theme camera and assign a crew to take candid shots all over your wedding and after party...For the food will be catered and the desert would be your not go all out on the guess They will complain and talk about you for days but keep it simple as a one meal not a change in the not accomodate the different taste of others this is your affair...If you say KFC ...Its KFC and if any man hungers let him go elsewhere... I would not say be cheep but do not make a outragious first bride guest list...Let guest bring what they feel like bringing If they do Ok If they do not Ok you are an established couple and a long list of guest gifts will not look good and you would end up paying off your list yourself or making purchases over that you already have...Church ministers are price driven now on ceremony...Justice of the Peace is good ...As long as it is legal honey...Keep vows simple and guest guessing and kind but do a royal loyal vow and jazz it up a bit to show that you are not so serious...You then go back to God with your solid words and tradional theme...I would focus on the couple and the type of couple you are will beam through.

Do not be like Star Jones bridezilla I know it is your special day but you are not young...It is not your first time ... act sophisticated and historical and relaxed and laid back let the planners pull their hair out after you lay out your cash and tell them how you want your wedding to be...Make sure they are reputable or do it yourself and show your family and friends you know how to day plan so well in advance that all you need is a few good friends and staff to set up clean up and clear our...

Do not go all the way on the decorations....Let the hall or the atmosphere be the decoration...get a great location ...plan stay with in budget and from now on...Put more of the offer on the

Groom, Make a big fuss over the man...Now days he is forgotten in the festival and it makes him feel bad...

They have groom cakes and groom guys nights that are not all strippers...Men are into being pampered...Spa and day treatments...Things he will not do for himself...Make a Medical Day for him and read off the doctor states he will last for the second round of your lives for a long time...joke

Like he is the President of the US Yearly exam if your health is of good or bad and you do not mind the guest knowing

You can be like the Queen and she has a stand by seating list for her funeral of who sits where and how she wants to be dressed on computer notice...People have black on stand by in the closet. God Bless

I have not had my wedding yet but I have gone over it so much in my mind I even went for music for the after party.

Would go from the gut and the heart here...I hope this helps

Wishes for me...From Me...To You...

Best Blessings...
Reply:Sweetheart you need to calm down, three years? Wait til you've been married 20 years and then do it, save your money for a house or kids' college fund, you're going to need it....

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